Jumat, 23 September 2011

Esa Sigit

Diposting oleh Winda Setyareni Pratama di 06.23
Ini adalah Speaking pertamaku yang aku buat sendiri pas duduk di bangku SMP , waktu itu disuruh buat speaking bertema  bebas untuk ujian praktek bahasa inggris kelas 9,berhubung aku suka dan ngefans dengan  ESA SIGIT,yaudah aku mutusin untuk buat SPEAKING ini, jadi yah maklum kalo ada atau mungkin banyak penulisan yang salah,maklum waktu itukan masih SMP :D hehehehe.... ini dia SPEAKINGnya .....
Esa :)

Esa is one of the actor youngman in Indonesia. Full name of Esa is Esa Septian Pramuda but he is more popular with name  Esa Sigit. Esa was born in Palembang on September  4th 1994 from the couple Sigit Damiri and Suhartini. Esa is the last child of four sibling.
Esa's New Hair
Esa went to school at elementary school YKPP2 Palembang in 2000 until 2002, when he was grade 3,Esa was moving to Jakarta with his family and went to school at Elementary School 01 Of Pulo Gebang,East Jakarta, after that Esa went to school at JHS 172 of cakung,East Jakarta , and now Esa go to school at SHS 30 of Cempaka Putih,Center Jakarta.
Esa wanna be a play director. His hobby are swimming,music and acting. His favourite film are I am Lagend,Knowing and Transformers. Esa also admire Tom Delonge and Will Smith.
Esa started his career as a advertisement star in the title “okky bollo drink”. Esa has played in some film, such as Bassah,Janda Kembang,Dunia Mereka,Badai Pasti Berlalu,Embun,My Love,Heart series,Monyet Cantik,Arti Sahabat and the new film that played of Esa is Sura Kecil Untuk Tuhan.

2 komentar:

Unknown on 30 September 2011 pukul 22.16 mengatakan...

nice info,,
nice blog

de,, follback donk :) http://briandzone.blogspot.com

Winda Setyareni Pratama on 1 Oktober 2011 pukul 00.58 mengatakan...

yepps thx kak..
udah difolback kak :)

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